ScanLHA.EditLHA module
Interactively load/edit/save/plot HDF files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Interactively load/edit/save/plot HDF files. """ from pandas import read_hdf, DataFrame # noqa: F401 try: from IPython import embed ipy = True except: import code ipyt = False from glob import glob import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # noqa: F401 from argparse import ArgumentParser __pdoc__ = {} __pdoc__['Edit'] = """ Usage: EditLHA [-h] h5file.h5 [h5file.h5 ...] Loads the hdf files and saves them into the variable DATA. An IPython session with imported matplotlib.pyplot is started. """ __all__ = ['Edit'] def Edit(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Interactively load/edit/save/plot HDF files.') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='h5file.h5', type=str, nargs='+', help='HDF file(s) to edit.') args = parser.parse_args() HDFFILES = [ k for f in args.files for k in glob(f) ] DATA = {} header = "Your data files are stored in 'DATA'" for f in HDFFILES: print('Reading %s ...' % f) DATA[f] = read_hdf(f) if len(DATA) == 1: HDFFILE = HDFFILES[0] DATA = DATA[HDFFILE] else: header += "and accessible via DATA['path/to/filename.h5']" if len(DATA) == 0: print('No valid data files specified.\n') else: HDFDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(HDFFILES[0])) + '/' print('Changing working directory to {}.\n'.format(HDFDIR)) os.chdir(HDFDIR) if ipy: embed(header=header) else: print(header) code.interact(local=locals())
def Edit(
Usage: EditLHA [-h] h5file.h5 [h5file.h5 ...]
Loads the hdf files and saves them into the variable DATA.
An IPython session with imported matplotlib.pyplot is started.
def Edit(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Interactively load/edit/save/plot HDF files.') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='h5file.h5', type=str, nargs='+', help='HDF file(s) to edit.') args = parser.parse_args() HDFFILES = [ k for f in args.files for k in glob(f) ] DATA = {} header = "Your data files are stored in 'DATA'" for f in HDFFILES: print('Reading %s ...' % f) DATA[f] = read_hdf(f) if len(DATA) == 1: HDFFILE = HDFFILES[0] DATA = DATA[HDFFILE] else: header += "and accessible via DATA['path/to/filename.h5']" if len(DATA) == 0: print('No valid data files specified.\n') else: HDFDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(HDFFILES[0])) + '/' print('Changing working directory to {}.\n'.format(HDFDIR)) os.chdir(HDFDIR) if ipy: embed(header=header) else: print(header) code.interact(local=locals())