ScanLHA.PlotLHA module
Plot ScanLHA scan results.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Plot ScanLHA scan results. """ from pandas import HDFStore # from IPython import embed import logging import os from .config import Config from math import * # noqa: E403 F401 F403 from collections import ChainMap from argparse import ArgumentParser import matplotlib from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase matplotlib.use('Agg') # matplotlib.use('ps') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa: E402 __all__ = ['Plot', 'PlotConf', 'axisdefault'] axisdefault = { 'boundaries' : [], 'lognorm' : False, 'vmin' : None, 'vmax' : None, 'ticks' : [], 'colorbar' : False, 'colorbar_orientation': 'horizontal', 'label' : None, 'datafile' : None } """ Default values for all axes. """ class PlotConf(ChainMap): """ Config class which allows for successively defined defaults """ def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.maps.append({ 'x-axis': axisdefault, 'y-axis': axisdefault, 'z-axis': axisdefault, 'colorbar_only': False, 'constraints': [], 'legend': { 'loc' : 'right', 'bbox_to_anchor' : [1.5, 0.5] }, 'hline': False, 'vline': False, 'lw': 1.0, 's': None, 'title': False, 'label': None, 'cmap': None, 'alpha' : 1.0, 'datafile': 'results.h5', 'fontsize': 28, 'rcParams': { 'font.size': 28, 'text.usetex': True, 'font.weight' : 'bold', 'text.latex.preamble': [ r'\usepackage{xcolor}', r'\usepackage{nicefrac}', r'\usepackage{amsmath}', r'\usepackage{units}', r'\usepackage{sfmath} \boldmath'] }, 'dpi': 300, 'textbox': {} }) def new_child(self, child = {}): for ax in ['x-axis','y-axis','z-axis']: if type(child.get(ax, {})) == str: child[ax] = ChainMap({ 'field': child[ax] }, self[ax]) else: child[ax] = ChainMap(child.get(ax,{}), self[ax]) return self.__class__(child, *self.maps) def Plot(): """ Basic usage: `PlotLHA --help` Requires a YAML config file that specifies at least the `'scatterplot'` dict with the list '`plots`'. * Automatically uses the `'latex'` attribute of specified LHA blocks for labels. * Fields for x/y/z axes can be specified by either `BLOCKNAME.values.LHAID` or the specified `'parameter'` attribute. * New fields to plot can be computed using existing fields * Optional constraints on the different fields may be specified * Various options can be passed to `matplotlib`s `legend`, `scatter`, `colorbar` functions. * Optional ticks can be set manually. __Example config.yml__ --- scatterplot: conf: datafile: "mssm.h5" newfields: TanBeta: "DATA['HMIX.values.2'].apply(abs).apply(tan)" constraints: - "PDATA['TREELEVELUNITARITYwTRILINEARS.values.1']<0.5" # enforces e.g. unitarity plots: - filename: "mssm_TanBetaMSUSYmH.png" # one scatterplot y-axis: {field: TanBeta, label: '$\\tan\\beta$'} x-axis: field: MSUSY label: "$m_{SUSY}$ (TeV)$" lognorm: True ticks: - [1000,2000,3000,4000] - ['$1$','$2','$3','$4$'] z-axis: field: MASS.values.25 colorbar: True label: "$m_h$ (GeV)" alpha: 0.8 textbox: {x: 0.9, y: 0.3, text: 'some info'} - filename: "mssm_mhiggs.png" # multiple lines in one plot with legend constraints: [] # ignore all global constraints x-axis: field: MSUSY, label: 'Massparameter (GeV)' y-axis: lognorm: True, label: '$m_{SUSY}$ (GeV)' plots: - y-axis: MASS.values.25 color: red label: '$m_{h_1}$' - y-axis: MASS.values.26 color: green label: '$m_{h_2}$' - y-axis: MASS.values.35 color: blue label: '$m_{A}$' """ parser = ArgumentParser(description='Plot ScanLHA results.') parser.add_argument("config", type=str, help="path to YAML file config.yml containing the plot (and optional scan) config.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="increase output verbosity") args = parser.parse_args() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) c = Config(args.config) DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.config)) + '/' if 'scatterplot' not in c: logging.error('config file must contain "scatterplot" dict.') exit(1) if 'plots' not in c['scatterplot']: logging.error('no plots to plot') exit(1) conf = PlotConf() conf = conf.new_child(c['scatterplot'].get('conf',{})) if not os.path.isfile(conf['datafile']): logging.error('Data file {} does not exist.'.format(conf['datafile'])) exit(1) store = HDFStore(conf['datafile']) path = 'results' # TODO DATA = store[path] attrs = store.get_storer(path).attrs if hasattr(attrs, 'config') and conf.get('conf_overwrite', False): attrs.config['scatterplot'] = {} c.append(attrs.config) if not DATA.empty and 'newfields' in conf: for field,expr in conf['newfields'].items(): logging.debug("executing DATA[{}] = {}]".format(field, expr)) DATA[field] = eval(expr) logging.debug("done.") pcount = 0 for p in c['scatterplot']['plots']: lcount = 0 pconf = conf.new_child(p) plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.rcParams.update(pconf['rcParams']) if pconf['fontsize'] != conf['fontsize']: plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': pconf['fontsize']}) if pconf['colorbar_only']: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 0.25)) ax = plt.gca() norm = Normalize(vmin=pconf['z-axis']['vmin'], vmax=pconf['z-axis']['vmax']) if pconf['z-axis']['lognorm']: norm = LogNorm(vmin=pconf['z-axis']['vmin'], vmax=pconf['z-axis']['vmax']) cbar = ColorbarBase(ax,norm=norm, cmap=pconf['cmap'], orientation=pconf['z-axis']['colorbar_orientation']) if pconf['z-axis']['colorbar_orientation'] == 'horizontal': ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') if pconf['z-axis']['label']: cbar.set_label(pconf['z-axis']['label']) if pconf['z-axis']['ticks']: cbar.set_ticks(pconf['z-axis']['ticks']) plt.savefig(pconf['filename'],bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() continue if pconf['title']: plt.title(conf['title']) if 'plots' not in p: p['plots'] = [p] for l in p['plots']: lconf = pconf.new_child(l) label = lconf['label'] label = label if label else None cmap = lconf['cmap'] zorder = lconf.get('zorder', lcount) color = lconf.get('color', "C{}".format(lcount)) x = lconf.get('x-field', lconf['x-axis'].get('field', None)) y = lconf.get('y-field', lconf['y-axis'].get('field', None)) z = lconf.get('z-field', lconf['z-axis'].get('field', None)) xlabel = lconf['x-axis']['label'] ylabel = lconf['y-axis']['label'] zlabel = lconf['z-axis']['label'] if hasattr(c, 'parameters'): xlabel = c.parameters.get(x, {'latex': xlabel})['latex'] if not xlabel else xlabel ylabel = c.parameters.get(y, {'latex': ylabel})['latex'] if not ylabel else ylabel zlabel = c.parameters.get(z, {'latex': zlabel})['latex'] if not zlabel else zlabel if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if lconf['hline']: plt.axhline(y=y, color=color, linestyle='-', lw=lconf['lw'], label=label, zorder=zorder, alpha=lconf['alpha']) continue if lconf['vline']: plt.axvline(x=x, color=color, linestyle='-', lw=lconf['lw'], label=label, zorder=zorder, alpha=lconf['alpha']) continue if hasattr(c, 'parameters'): x = c.parameters.get(x,{'lha': x})['lha'] y = c.parameters.get(y,{'lha': y})['lha'] z = c.parameters.get(z,{'lha': z})['lha'] PDATA = DATA if(lconf['datafile'] and lconf['datafile'] != conf['datafile']): conf['datafile'] = lconf['datafile'] # TODO DATA = HDFStore(lconf['datafile'])['results'] # TODO PDATA = DATA if not PDATA.empty and 'newfields' in conf: for field,expr in conf['newfields'].items(): logging.debug("executing PATA[{}] = {}]".format(field, expr)) PDATA[field] = eval(expr) logging.debug("done.") for ax,field in {'x-axis':x, 'y-axis':y, 'z-axis':z}.items(): bounds = lconf[ax]['boundaries'] if len(bounds) == 2: PDATA = PDATA[(PDATA[field] >= bounds[0]) & (PDATA[field] <= bounds[1])] for constr in lconf['constraints']: PDATA = PDATA[eval(constr)] if lconf['x-axis']['lognorm']: plt.xscale('log') if lconf['y-axis']['lognorm']: plt.yscale('log') if z: color = PDATA[z] vmin = PDATA[z].min() if not lconf['z-axis']['vmin'] else lconf['z-axis']['vmin'] vmax = PDATA[z].max() if not lconf['z-axis']['vmax'] else lconf['z-axis']['vmax'] else: vmin = None vmax = None znorm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if lconf['z-axis']['lognorm'] else None cs = plt.scatter(PDATA[x], PDATA[y], zorder=zorder, label=label, cmap=cmap, c=color, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=znorm, s=lconf['s'], alpha=lconf['alpha']) plt.margins(x=0.01,y=0.01) # TODO if lconf['x-axis']['ticks']: plt.xticks(lconf['x-axis']['ticks'][0],lconf['x-axis']['ticks'][1]) if lconf['y-axis']['ticks']: plt.yticks(lconf['y-axis']['ticks'][0],lconf['y-axis']['ticks'][1]) if lconf['z-axis']['colorbar']: cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation=lconf['z-axis']['colorbar_orientation']) if zlabel: cbar.set_label(zlabel) if lconf['z-axis']['ticks']: cbar.set_ticks(lconf['z-axis']['ticks']) lcount += 1 if any([l.get('label', False) for l in p['plots']]): plt.legend(**pconf['legend']) if pconf['textbox'] and 'text' in pconf['textbox']: bbox = pconf['textbox'].get('bbox', dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.2)) va = pconf['textbox'].get('va', 'top') ha = pconf['textbox'].get('ha', 'left') textsize = pconf['textbox'].get('fontsize', pconf['rcParams'].get('font.size',15)) xtext = pconf['textbox'].get('x', 0.95) ytext = pconf['textbox'].get('y', 0.85) plt.gcf().text(xtext, ytext, pconf['textbox']['text'], fontsize=textsize ,va=va, ha=ha, bbox=bbox) plotfile = DIR + p.get('filename', 'plot{}.png'.format(pcount))"Saving {}.".format(plotfile)) plt.savefig(plotfile, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=pconf['dpi']) pcount += 1 store.close()
Module variables
var axisdefault
Default values for all axes.
def Plot(
Basic usage: PlotLHA --help
Requires a YAML config file that specifies at least the 'scatterplot'
dict with the list 'plots
- Automatically uses the
attribute of specified LHA blocks for labels. - Fields for x/y/z axes can be specified by either
or the specified'parameter'
attribute. - New fields to plot can be computed using existing fields
- Optional constraints on the different fields may be specified
- Various options can be passed to
functions. - Optional ticks can be set manually.
Example config.yml
--- scatterplot: conf: datafile: "mssm.h5" newfields: TanBeta: "DATA['HMIX.values.2'].apply(abs).apply(tan)" constraints: - "PDATA['TREELEVELUNITARITYwTRILINEARS.values.1']<0.5" # enforces e.g. unitarity plots: - filename: "mssm_TanBetaMSUSYmH.png" # one scatterplot y-axis: {field: TanBeta, label: '$\tan\beta$'} x-axis: field: MSUSY label: "$m_{SUSY}$ (TeV)$" lognorm: True ticks: - [1000,2000,3000,4000] - ['$1$','$2','$3','$4$'] z-axis: field: MASS.values.25 colorbar: True label: "$m_h$ (GeV)" alpha: 0.8 textbox: {x: 0.9, y: 0.3, text: 'some info'} - filename: "mssm_mhiggs.png" # multiple lines in one plot with legend constraints: [] # ignore all global constraints x-axis: field: MSUSY, label: 'Massparameter (GeV)' y-axis: lognorm: True, label: '$m_{SUSY}$ (GeV)' plots: - y-axis: MASS.values.25 color: red label: '$m_{h_1}$' - y-axis: MASS.values.26 color: green label: '$m_{h_2}$' - y-axis: MASS.values.35 color: blue label: '$m_{A}$'
def Plot(): """ Basic usage: `PlotLHA --help` Requires a YAML config file that specifies at least the `'scatterplot'` dict with the list '`plots`'. * Automatically uses the `'latex'` attribute of specified LHA blocks for labels. * Fields for x/y/z axes can be specified by either `BLOCKNAME.values.LHAID` or the specified `'parameter'` attribute. * New fields to plot can be computed using existing fields * Optional constraints on the different fields may be specified * Various options can be passed to `matplotlib`s `legend`, `scatter`, `colorbar` functions. * Optional ticks can be set manually. __Example config.yml__ --- scatterplot: conf: datafile: "mssm.h5" newfields: TanBeta: "DATA['HMIX.values.2'].apply(abs).apply(tan)" constraints: - "PDATA['TREELEVELUNITARITYwTRILINEARS.values.1']<0.5" # enforces e.g. unitarity plots: - filename: "mssm_TanBetaMSUSYmH.png" # one scatterplot y-axis: {field: TanBeta, label: '$\\tan\\beta$'} x-axis: field: MSUSY label: "$m_{SUSY}$ (TeV)$" lognorm: True ticks: - [1000,2000,3000,4000] - ['$1$','$2','$3','$4$'] z-axis: field: MASS.values.25 colorbar: True label: "$m_h$ (GeV)" alpha: 0.8 textbox: {x: 0.9, y: 0.3, text: 'some info'} - filename: "mssm_mhiggs.png" # multiple lines in one plot with legend constraints: [] # ignore all global constraints x-axis: field: MSUSY, label: 'Massparameter (GeV)' y-axis: lognorm: True, label: '$m_{SUSY}$ (GeV)' plots: - y-axis: MASS.values.25 color: red label: '$m_{h_1}$' - y-axis: MASS.values.26 color: green label: '$m_{h_2}$' - y-axis: MASS.values.35 color: blue label: '$m_{A}$' """ parser = ArgumentParser(description='Plot ScanLHA results.') parser.add_argument("config", type=str, help="path to YAML file config.yml containing the plot (and optional scan) config.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="increase output verbosity") args = parser.parse_args() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) c = Config(args.config) DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.config)) + '/' if 'scatterplot' not in c: logging.error('config file must contain "scatterplot" dict.') exit(1) if 'plots' not in c['scatterplot']: logging.error('no plots to plot') exit(1) conf = PlotConf() conf = conf.new_child(c['scatterplot'].get('conf',{})) if not os.path.isfile(conf['datafile']): logging.error('Data file {} does not exist.'.format(conf['datafile'])) exit(1) store = HDFStore(conf['datafile']) path = 'results' # TODO DATA = store[path] attrs = store.get_storer(path).attrs if hasattr(attrs, 'config') and conf.get('conf_overwrite', False): attrs.config['scatterplot'] = {} c.append(attrs.config) if not DATA.empty and 'newfields' in conf: for field,expr in conf['newfields'].items(): logging.debug("executing DATA[{}] = {}]".format(field, expr)) DATA[field] = eval(expr) logging.debug("done.") pcount = 0 for p in c['scatterplot']['plots']: lcount = 0 pconf = conf.new_child(p) plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.rcParams.update(pconf['rcParams']) if pconf['fontsize'] != conf['fontsize']: plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': pconf['fontsize']}) if pconf['colorbar_only']: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 0.25)) ax = plt.gca() norm = Normalize(vmin=pconf['z-axis']['vmin'], vmax=pconf['z-axis']['vmax']) if pconf['z-axis']['lognorm']: norm = LogNorm(vmin=pconf['z-axis']['vmin'], vmax=pconf['z-axis']['vmax']) cbar = ColorbarBase(ax,norm=norm, cmap=pconf['cmap'], orientation=pconf['z-axis']['colorbar_orientation']) if pconf['z-axis']['colorbar_orientation'] == 'horizontal': ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') if pconf['z-axis']['label']: cbar.set_label(pconf['z-axis']['label']) if pconf['z-axis']['ticks']: cbar.set_ticks(pconf['z-axis']['ticks']) plt.savefig(pconf['filename'],bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() continue if pconf['title']: plt.title(conf['title']) if 'plots' not in p: p['plots'] = [p] for l in p['plots']: lconf = pconf.new_child(l) label = lconf['label'] label = label if label else None cmap = lconf['cmap'] zorder = lconf.get('zorder', lcount) color = lconf.get('color', "C{}".format(lcount)) x = lconf.get('x-field', lconf['x-axis'].get('field', None)) y = lconf.get('y-field', lconf['y-axis'].get('field', None)) z = lconf.get('z-field', lconf['z-axis'].get('field', None)) xlabel = lconf['x-axis']['label'] ylabel = lconf['y-axis']['label'] zlabel = lconf['z-axis']['label'] if hasattr(c, 'parameters'): xlabel = c.parameters.get(x, {'latex': xlabel})['latex'] if not xlabel else xlabel ylabel = c.parameters.get(y, {'latex': ylabel})['latex'] if not ylabel else ylabel zlabel = c.parameters.get(z, {'latex': zlabel})['latex'] if not zlabel else zlabel if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if lconf['hline']: plt.axhline(y=y, color=color, linestyle='-', lw=lconf['lw'], label=label, zorder=zorder, alpha=lconf['alpha']) continue if lconf['vline']: plt.axvline(x=x, color=color, linestyle='-', lw=lconf['lw'], label=label, zorder=zorder, alpha=lconf['alpha']) continue if hasattr(c, 'parameters'): x = c.parameters.get(x,{'lha': x})['lha'] y = c.parameters.get(y,{'lha': y})['lha'] z = c.parameters.get(z,{'lha': z})['lha'] PDATA = DATA if(lconf['datafile'] and lconf['datafile'] != conf['datafile']): conf['datafile'] = lconf['datafile'] # TODO DATA = HDFStore(lconf['datafile'])['results'] # TODO PDATA = DATA if not PDATA.empty and 'newfields' in conf: for field,expr in conf['newfields'].items(): logging.debug("executing PATA[{}] = {}]".format(field, expr)) PDATA[field] = eval(expr) logging.debug("done.") for ax,field in {'x-axis':x, 'y-axis':y, 'z-axis':z}.items(): bounds = lconf[ax]['boundaries'] if len(bounds) == 2: PDATA = PDATA[(PDATA[field] >= bounds[0]) & (PDATA[field] <= bounds[1])] for constr in lconf['constraints']: PDATA = PDATA[eval(constr)] if lconf['x-axis']['lognorm']: plt.xscale('log') if lconf['y-axis']['lognorm']: plt.yscale('log') if z: color = PDATA[z] vmin = PDATA[z].min() if not lconf['z-axis']['vmin'] else lconf['z-axis']['vmin'] vmax = PDATA[z].max() if not lconf['z-axis']['vmax'] else lconf['z-axis']['vmax'] else: vmin = None vmax = None znorm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if lconf['z-axis']['lognorm'] else None cs = plt.scatter(PDATA[x], PDATA[y], zorder=zorder, label=label, cmap=cmap, c=color, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=znorm, s=lconf['s'], alpha=lconf['alpha']) plt.margins(x=0.01,y=0.01) # TODO if lconf['x-axis']['ticks']: plt.xticks(lconf['x-axis']['ticks'][0],lconf['x-axis']['ticks'][1]) if lconf['y-axis']['ticks']: plt.yticks(lconf['y-axis']['ticks'][0],lconf['y-axis']['ticks'][1]) if lconf['z-axis']['colorbar']: cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation=lconf['z-axis']['colorbar_orientation']) if zlabel: cbar.set_label(zlabel) if lconf['z-axis']['ticks']: cbar.set_ticks(lconf['z-axis']['ticks']) lcount += 1 if any([l.get('label', False) for l in p['plots']]): plt.legend(**pconf['legend']) if pconf['textbox'] and 'text' in pconf['textbox']: bbox = pconf['textbox'].get('bbox', dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.2)) va = pconf['textbox'].get('va', 'top') ha = pconf['textbox'].get('ha', 'left') textsize = pconf['textbox'].get('fontsize', pconf['rcParams'].get('font.size',15)) xtext = pconf['textbox'].get('x', 0.95) ytext = pconf['textbox'].get('y', 0.85) plt.gcf().text(xtext, ytext, pconf['textbox']['text'], fontsize=textsize ,va=va, ha=ha, bbox=bbox) plotfile = DIR + p.get('filename', 'plot{}.png'.format(pcount))"Saving {}.".format(plotfile)) plt.savefig(plotfile, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=pconf['dpi']) pcount += 1 store.close()
class PlotConf
Config class which allows for successively defined defaults
class PlotConf(ChainMap): """ Config class which allows for successively defined defaults """ def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.maps.append({ 'x-axis': axisdefault, 'y-axis': axisdefault, 'z-axis': axisdefault, 'colorbar_only': False, 'constraints': [], 'legend': { 'loc' : 'right', 'bbox_to_anchor' : [1.5, 0.5] }, 'hline': False, 'vline': False, 'lw': 1.0, 's': None, 'title': False, 'label': None, 'cmap': None, 'alpha' : 1.0, 'datafile': 'results.h5', 'fontsize': 28, 'rcParams': { 'font.size': 28, 'text.usetex': True, 'font.weight' : 'bold', 'text.latex.preamble': [ r'\usepackage{xcolor}', r'\usepackage{nicefrac}', r'\usepackage{amsmath}', r'\usepackage{units}', r'\usepackage{sfmath} \boldmath'] }, 'dpi': 300, 'textbox': {} }) def new_child(self, child = {}): for ax in ['x-axis','y-axis','z-axis']: if type(child.get(ax, {})) == str: child[ax] = ChainMap({ 'field': child[ax] }, self[ax]) else: child[ax] = ChainMap(child.get(ax,{}), self[ax]) return self.__class__(child, *self.maps)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- PlotConf
- collections.ChainMap
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, *args)
Initialize a ChainMap by setting maps to the given mappings. If no mappings are provided, a single empty dictionary is used.
def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.maps.append({ 'x-axis': axisdefault, 'y-axis': axisdefault, 'z-axis': axisdefault, 'colorbar_only': False, 'constraints': [], 'legend': { 'loc' : 'right', 'bbox_to_anchor' : [1.5, 0.5] }, 'hline': False, 'vline': False, 'lw': 1.0, 's': None, 'title': False, 'label': None, 'cmap': None, 'alpha' : 1.0, 'datafile': 'results.h5', 'fontsize': 28, 'rcParams': { 'font.size': 28, 'text.usetex': True, 'font.weight' : 'bold', 'text.latex.preamble': [ r'\usepackage{xcolor}', r'\usepackage{nicefrac}', r'\usepackage{amsmath}', r'\usepackage{units}', r'\usepackage{sfmath} \boldmath'] }, 'dpi': 300, 'textbox': {} })
def clear(
Clear maps[0], leaving maps[1:] intact.
def clear(self): 'Clear maps[0], leaving maps[1:] intact.' self.maps[0].clear()
def copy(
New ChainMap or subclass with a new copy of maps[0] and refs to maps[1:]
def copy(self): 'New ChainMap or subclass with a new copy of maps[0] and refs to maps[1:]' return self.__class__(self.maps[0].copy(), *self.maps[1:])
def get(
self, key, default=None)
D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
def get(self, key, default=None): return self[key] if key in self else default
def items(
D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items
def items(self): "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items" return ItemsView(self)
def keys(
D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
def keys(self): "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys" return KeysView(self)
def new_child(
self, child={})
New ChainMap with a new map followed by all previous maps. If no map is provided, an empty dict is used.
def new_child(self, child = {}): for ax in ['x-axis','y-axis','z-axis']: if type(child.get(ax, {})) == str: child[ax] = ChainMap({ 'field': child[ax] }, self[ax]) else: child[ax] = ChainMap(child.get(ax,{}), self[ax]) return self.__class__(child, *self.maps)
def pop(
self, key, *args)
Remove key from maps[0] and return its value. Raise KeyError if key not in maps[0].
def pop(self, key, *args): 'Remove *key* from maps[0] and return its value. Raise KeyError if *key* not in maps[0].' try: return self.maps[0].pop(key, *args) except KeyError: raise KeyError('Key not found in the first mapping: {!r}'.format(key))
def popitem(
Remove and return an item pair from maps[0]. Raise KeyError is maps[0] is empty.
def popitem(self): 'Remove and return an item pair from maps[0]. Raise KeyError is maps[0] is empty.' try: return self.maps[0].popitem() except KeyError: raise KeyError('No keys found in the first mapping.')
def setdefault(
self, key, default=None)
D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
def setdefault(self, key, default=None): 'D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D' try: return self[key] except KeyError: self[key] = default return default
def update(
*args, **kwds)
D.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v
def update(*args, **kwds): ''' D.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v ''' if not args: raise TypeError("descriptor 'update' of 'MutableMapping' object " "needs an argument") self, *args = args if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError('update expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args)) if args: other = args[0] if isinstance(other, Mapping): for key in other: self[key] = other[key] elif hasattr(other, "keys"): for key in other.keys(): self[key] = other[key] else: for key, value in other: self[key] = value for key, value in kwds.items(): self[key] = value
def values(
D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values
def values(self): "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values" return ValuesView(self)
Instance variables
var parents
New ChainMap from maps[1:].
def fromkeys(
cls, iterable, *args)
Create a ChainMap with a single dict created from the iterable.
@classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, *args): 'Create a ChainMap with a single dict created from the iterable.' return cls(dict.fromkeys(iterable, *args))