
ScanLHA.runner module

Control programs that need (S)LHA input.

Control programs that need (S)LHA input.
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE, DEVNULL, TimeoutExpired
from .slha import parseSLHA
from random import randrange,randint
import os
from sys import exit
from math import * # noqa: F403 F401
from shutil import copy2,copytree, rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from import json_normalize

__all__ = ['RUNNERS', 'BaseRunner', 'SLHARunner', 'MicrOmegas']

Contains all available runner classes.

Runners that are stored in the directory `runner_plugins` and are a child of `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner` are automatically added to this variable.

To add your own custom runner create the `runner_plugins` directory in you working directory and add e.g. the file `` with e.g. the content:

    from ScanLHA.runner import BaseRunner

    class MyRunner(BaseRunner):
        def __init__(self, conf):

        def execute(self, params):
            # do your computation using the
            # parameter set stored in the dict `params`
            return {'param1': myresult1,  ...}

To use that runner, set

       type: MyRunner

in your config.

The default runner for each scan is the `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner`.

class Runner_Register(type):
    Add each new runner to the `RUNNERS` variable.
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        newcls = super(Runner_Register, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
        if hasattr(newcls, 'execute') and hasattr(newcls, 'run'):
            RUNNERS.update({clsname: newcls})
        return newcls

class BaseRunner(metaclass=Runner_Register):
    Every runner must be a child of this.

    Needs a Config instance for initialization.
    def __init__(self,conf):
        Basic initialization.

        For a correct behaviour use `super().__init__(conf)` in the `__init__` of your child runner.
        self.config = conf
        self.rundir = os.getcwd()
        self.binaries = []
        self.tmp = False
        self.initialized = False

    def makedirs(self, tocopy=[]):
          * Create temporary directories (default: `/dev/shm/run<runnerid>`).

          * Copy all binaries listed in `self.config['binaries']` to the temporary directory
        if 'tmpfs' not in self.config:
            if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/'):
                self.config['tmpfs'] = '/dev/shm/'
                self.config['tmpfs'] = mkdtemp()
        self.rundir = os.path.join(self.config['tmpfs'], 'run%d' % randint(10000,99999))
        if not os.path.exists(self.rundir):
            logging.debug('Creating temporary directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))
        tocopy = tocopy if type(tocopy) == list else [tocopy]
        if 'binary' in self.config:
            self.binaries = [os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(self.config['binary'])), '{input_file}', '{output_file}']
        elif 'binaries' in self.config:
            if type(self.config['binaries']) != list:
                logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
            for binary in self.config['binaries']:
                if type(binary) != list:
                    logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
                self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(binary[0]))] + binary[1:])
        for f in tocopy:
            if not os.path.exists(f):
                logging.error('File/dir {} not found!'.format(f))
            logging.debug('Copying {} into temporary directory {}.'.format(f, self.rundir))
            if os.path.isdir(f):
                copytree(f, os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(f)))
                copy2(f, self.rundir)
        logging.debug('Changing directory')
        self.tmp = True

    def cleanup(self):
        """ remove temporary directory """
        if not self.config.get('cleanup', False) or not self.tmp:
            logging.debug('Removing temporary directory {}'.format(self.rundir))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            logging.error('Directory {} does not exist.'.format(self.rundir))
            logging.error('Could not remove directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))

    def __del__(self):

    def constraints(self, result):
        """ Check if the data point `result` fulfills the constraints of the list `self.config['constraints']`."""
            if not all(map(eval, self.config['constraints'])):
            return True
        except KeyError:
            return True

    def removeFile(f, err=True):
        """ Removes a file `f`. """
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if err:
                logging.error('file {} missing?'.format(f))

    def runBinary(self, args, cwd = None): # noqa
        Execute `args` using `Popen`.

        Returns `(stdout, stderr)`.

        `stderr` is set to `'Timeout'` if `self.timeout` is exceeded.

        proc = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE)
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=self.timeout)
        except TimeoutExpired:
            stdout = ''
            stderr = 'Timeout'
            return stdout, stderr
        stdout = stdout.decode('utf8').strip() if stdout else ''
        stderr = stderr.decode('utf8').strip() if stderr else ''

        return stdout, stderr

    def execute(self, params):
        """ This method specifies what the runner should do with the single data pint `params`. """

    def run(self, params):
        Normalizes the result of `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute`.

        It is e.g. used by `ScanLHA.scan.Scan` and should not be overwritten by child runners.

        To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute` method.
        return json_normalize(self.execute(params))

class SLHARunner(BaseRunner):
    Runner that runs binaries with (S)LHA input/output.
    def __init__(self,conf):
        `self.tpl=conf['template']` should be a string containing patterns
        compatible with `conf['template'].format_map(params)` for a
        given set of parameters `params`.
        self.timeout = conf.get('timeout', 10)
        """ Timeout for Popen """
        self.tpl = conf['template']
        self.blocks = conf.get('getblocks', [])
        self.initialized = True

    def prepare(self, params):
        Generate input and output file names.

        Write the input file for the parameter dict `params` using the template `self.tpl`.

        Returns the filenames `('inputfile', 'outputfile', 'logfile')`.
        fname = str(randrange(10**10))
        fin  = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.in')
        fout = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.out')
        flog = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.log')

        with open(fin, 'w') as inputf:
                params = defaultdict(str, { '%{}%'.format(p) : v for p,v in params.items() })
            except KeyError:
                logging.error("Could not substitute {}.".format(params))
                return None, None, None
        return fin, fout, flog

    def read(self, fout):
        Reads the file `fout` using `ScanLHA.slha.parseSLHA` and checks if all constraints `self.constraints` are fulfilled.

        If at least one constraint is not fulfilled, an empty result (dict) is returned.
        slha = parseSLHA(fout, self.blocks)
        if self.config.get('constraints', False) and not self.constraints(slha):
            return {}
        return slha

    def execute(self, params):
        * Prepare all files for the run with the parameters `params` (dict).
        * iterate over the binaries in `self.binaries`
          * check for fulfilled constraints

        Example for `self.binaries` that passes results trough the different runs:

            config['runner']['binaries'] = [
                ['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}'],
                ['./HiggsBounds', '{output_file}']

        The patterns `{input_file}`, `{output_file}` and `{log_file}` are available and are replaced by the result of `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner.prepare`.
        fin, fout, flog = self.prepare(params)
        if not all([fin, fout, flog]):
            return {'log': 'Error preparing files for parameters: {parameters}'.format(params)}
        slha_base = {
                'log_stdout': '',
                'log_stderr': '',
                'input_parameters': params,
                'input_file': fin,
                'output_file': fout,
                'log_file': flog

        slha = True
        for binary in self.binaries:
            if not slha:
            if type(binary) == list:
                # insert file names into the executable command
                binary = [ b.format(**slha_base) for b in binary ]
                binary = [binary]
            logging.debug("executing {}".format(' '.join(binary)))
            stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(binary)
            slha_base['log_stderr'] += stderr
            slha_base['log_stdout'] += stdout
            slha =

        if self.config.get('remove_slha', True):
            self.removeFile(fout, err=False)

        if self.config.get('keep_log', False):
            log = 'parameters: {input_parameters}\nstdout: {log_stdout}\nstderr: {log_stderr}\n\n'.format(**slha_base)
            if self.config.get('logfiles', False):
                with open(flog, 'w') as logf:
                slha.update({ 'log_file': flog })
        return slha

class MicrOmegas(SLHARunner):
    Runner for MicrOmegas based on the `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner`.

    Works exactly the same as `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner` but builds the MicrOmegas src files in the temporary runner directory during initialization.

    def __init__(self,conf):
        super(SLHARunner, self).__init__(conf)
        One needs to compile MicrOmegas for each runner since it uses hard coded paths.
        In order to do so, put the following information in your runner config:
                type: MicrOmegas
                    src: '/home/user/micrOMEGAS/src' # source directory to copy (run make clean before)
                    modelname: 'SplitNMSSM' # model-dir to join (run make clean before)
                    main: 'CalcOmegaDD.cpp' # cpp file to build
                    exec: ['CalcOmegaDD', '{input_file}'] # entry for runner['binaries']

        The resulting binary is appended to the list `runner['binaries']`.

        If you use e.g. SPheno to generate input for MicrOmegas, you may want to add

        `['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}']`

        to `runner['binaries']` and change the `exec` option to use the `{output_file}` instead.

        Additional `'binaries'` may be specified as well.
        self.timeout = conf.get('timeout', 18000)
        self.tpl = conf['template']
        self.blocks = conf.get('getblocks', [])
        if 'micromegas' not in self.config:
            logging.error('need to specify "micromegas" config')
        omega = self.config['micromegas']
        if 'src' not in omega or not os.path.exists(omega['src']):
            logging.error('need to specify micromegas "src" directory to build from')
        if 'modelname' not in omega:
            logging.error('need to specify "modelname" name')
        if 'main' not in omega:
            logging.error('need to specify "main" cpp file to build')
        if 'exec' not in omega:
            logging.error('need to specify "exec"utable created by the build followed by its arguments (Popen list syntax)')
        self.makedirs(tocopy = omega['src'])
        self.omegadir = os.path.join(self.rundir,os.path.basename(omega['src']))
        self.modeldir = os.path.join(self.omegadir, omega['modelname'])
        logging.debug('running "make clean" on MicrOmegas installtion.')
        Popen('yes|make clean', shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=self.omegadir)
        logging.debug('running "make" on MicrOmegas installtion.')
        i = 0
        stdout, stderr = "", "MicrOmegas was already built(?)"
        while not os.path.isfile(self.omegadir + '/include/microPath.h') and i < 15:
            stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(['make'], cwd=self.omegadir)
            i += 1
        if i >= 5:
            logging.error('Build failed')
        logging.debug('running "make clean" on MicrOmegas model.')
        Popen(['make', 'clean'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, shell=True, cwd=self.modeldir)
        logging.debug('running "make main={}" on MicrOmegas model.'.format(omega['main']))
        i = 0
        stdout, stderr = "", "The model was already built(?)"
        while not os.path.isfile(omega['exec'][0]) and i < 15:
            stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(['make', 'main='+omega['main']], cwd=self.modeldir)
            i += 1
        if i < 15 and i != 0:
            logging.debug('file {} was build'.format(omega['exec'][0]))
            self.initialized = True
        self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.modeldir, omega['exec'][0])] + omega['exec'][1:])

Module variables


Contains all available runner classes.

Runners that are stored in the directory runner_plugins and are a child of BaseRunner are automatically added to this variable.

To add your own custom runner create the runner_plugins directory in you working directory and add e.g. the file with e.g. the content:

from ScanLHA.runner import BaseRunner

class MyRunner(BaseRunner):
    def __init__(self, conf):

    def execute(self, params):
        # do your computation using the
        # parameter set stored in the dict `params`
        return {'param1': myresult1,  ...}

To use that runner, set

   type: MyRunner

in your config.

The default runner for each scan is the SLHARunner.


class BaseRunner

Every runner must be a child of this.

Needs a Config instance for initialization.

class BaseRunner(metaclass=Runner_Register):
    Every runner must be a child of this.

    Needs a Config instance for initialization.
    def __init__(self,conf):
        Basic initialization.

        For a correct behaviour use `super().__init__(conf)` in the `__init__` of your child runner.
        self.config = conf
        self.rundir = os.getcwd()
        self.binaries = []
        self.tmp = False
        self.initialized = False

    def makedirs(self, tocopy=[]):
          * Create temporary directories (default: `/dev/shm/run<runnerid>`).

          * Copy all binaries listed in `self.config['binaries']` to the temporary directory
        if 'tmpfs' not in self.config:
            if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/'):
                self.config['tmpfs'] = '/dev/shm/'
                self.config['tmpfs'] = mkdtemp()
        self.rundir = os.path.join(self.config['tmpfs'], 'run%d' % randint(10000,99999))
        if not os.path.exists(self.rundir):
            logging.debug('Creating temporary directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))
        tocopy = tocopy if type(tocopy) == list else [tocopy]
        if 'binary' in self.config:
            self.binaries = [os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(self.config['binary'])), '{input_file}', '{output_file}']
        elif 'binaries' in self.config:
            if type(self.config['binaries']) != list:
                logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
            for binary in self.config['binaries']:
                if type(binary) != list:
                    logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
                self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(binary[0]))] + binary[1:])
        for f in tocopy:
            if not os.path.exists(f):
                logging.error('File/dir {} not found!'.format(f))
            logging.debug('Copying {} into temporary directory {}.'.format(f, self.rundir))
            if os.path.isdir(f):
                copytree(f, os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(f)))
                copy2(f, self.rundir)
        logging.debug('Changing directory')
        self.tmp = True

    def cleanup(self):
        """ remove temporary directory """
        if not self.config.get('cleanup', False) or not self.tmp:
            logging.debug('Removing temporary directory {}'.format(self.rundir))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            logging.error('Directory {} does not exist.'.format(self.rundir))
            logging.error('Could not remove directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))

    def __del__(self):

    def constraints(self, result):
        """ Check if the data point `result` fulfills the constraints of the list `self.config['constraints']`."""
            if not all(map(eval, self.config['constraints'])):
            return True
        except KeyError:
            return True

    def removeFile(f, err=True):
        """ Removes a file `f`. """
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if err:
                logging.error('file {} missing?'.format(f))

    def runBinary(self, args, cwd = None): # noqa
        Execute `args` using `Popen`.

        Returns `(stdout, stderr)`.

        `stderr` is set to `'Timeout'` if `self.timeout` is exceeded.

        proc = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE)
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=self.timeout)
        except TimeoutExpired:
            stdout = ''
            stderr = 'Timeout'
            return stdout, stderr
        stdout = stdout.decode('utf8').strip() if stdout else ''
        stderr = stderr.decode('utf8').strip() if stderr else ''

        return stdout, stderr

    def execute(self, params):
        """ This method specifies what the runner should do with the single data pint `params`. """

    def run(self, params):
        Normalizes the result of `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute`.

        It is e.g. used by `ScanLHA.scan.Scan` and should not be overwritten by child runners.

        To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute` method.
        return json_normalize(self.execute(params))

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, conf)

Basic initialization.

For a correct behaviour use super().__init__(conf) in the __init__ of your child runner.

def __init__(self,conf):
    Basic initialization.
    For a correct behaviour use `super().__init__(conf)` in the `__init__` of your child runner.
    self.config = conf
    self.rundir = os.getcwd()
    self.binaries = []
    self.tmp = False
    self.initialized = False

def cleanup(


remove temporary directory

def cleanup(self):
    """ remove temporary directory """
    if not self.config.get('cleanup', False) or not self.tmp:
        logging.debug('Removing temporary directory {}'.format(self.rundir))
    except FileNotFoundError:
        logging.error('Directory {} does not exist.'.format(self.rundir))
        logging.error('Could not remove directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))

def constraints(

self, result)

Check if the data point result fulfills the constraints of the list self.config['constraints'].

def constraints(self, result):
    """ Check if the data point `result` fulfills the constraints of the list `self.config['constraints']`."""
        if not all(map(eval, self.config['constraints'])):
        return True
    except KeyError:
        return True

def execute(

self, params)

This method specifies what the runner should do with the single data pint params.

def execute(self, params):
    """ This method specifies what the runner should do with the single data pint `params`. """

def makedirs(

self, tocopy=[])

  • Create temporary directories (default: /dev/shm/run<runnerid>).

  • Copy all binaries listed in self.config['binaries'] to the temporary directory

def makedirs(self, tocopy=[]):
      * Create temporary directories (default: `/dev/shm/run<runnerid>`).
      * Copy all binaries listed in `self.config['binaries']` to the temporary directory
    if 'tmpfs' not in self.config:
        if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/'):
            self.config['tmpfs'] = '/dev/shm/'
            self.config['tmpfs'] = mkdtemp()
    self.rundir = os.path.join(self.config['tmpfs'], 'run%d' % randint(10000,99999))
    if not os.path.exists(self.rundir):
        logging.debug('Creating temporary directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))
    tocopy = tocopy if type(tocopy) == list else [tocopy]
    if 'binary' in self.config:
        self.binaries = [os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(self.config['binary'])), '{input_file}', '{output_file}']
    elif 'binaries' in self.config:
        if type(self.config['binaries']) != list:
            logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
        for binary in self.config['binaries']:
            if type(binary) != list:
                logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
            self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(binary[0]))] + binary[1:])
    for f in tocopy:
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            logging.error('File/dir {} not found!'.format(f))
        logging.debug('Copying {} into temporary directory {}.'.format(f, self.rundir))
        if os.path.isdir(f):
            copytree(f, os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(f)))
            copy2(f, self.rundir)
    logging.debug('Changing directory')
    self.tmp = True

def removeFile(

f, err=True)

Removes a file f.

def removeFile(f, err=True):
    """ Removes a file `f`. """
    except FileNotFoundError:
        if err:
            logging.error('file {} missing?'.format(f))

def run(

self, params)

Normalizes the result of execute.

It is e.g. used by ScanLHA.scan.Scan and should not be overwritten by child runners.

To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the execute method.

def run(self, params):
    Normalizes the result of `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute`.
    It is e.g. used by `ScanLHA.scan.Scan` and should not be overwritten by child runners.
    To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute` method.
    return json_normalize(self.execute(params))

def runBinary(

self, args, cwd=None)

Execute args using Popen.

Returns (stdout, stderr).

stderr is set to 'Timeout' if self.timeout is exceeded.

def runBinary(self, args, cwd = None): # noqa
    Execute `args` using `Popen`.
    Returns `(stdout, stderr)`.
    `stderr` is set to `'Timeout'` if `self.timeout` is exceeded.
    proc = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=self.timeout)
    except TimeoutExpired:
        stdout = ''
        stderr = 'Timeout'
        return stdout, stderr
    stdout = stdout.decode('utf8').strip() if stdout else ''
    stderr = stderr.decode('utf8').strip() if stderr else ''
    return stdout, stderr

Instance variables

var binaries

var config

var initialized

var rundir

var tmp

class MicrOmegas

Runner for MicrOmegas based on the SLHARunner.

Works exactly the same as SLHARunner but builds the MicrOmegas src files in the temporary runner directory during initialization.

class MicrOmegas(SLHARunner):
    Runner for MicrOmegas based on the `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner`.

    Works exactly the same as `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner` but builds the MicrOmegas src files in the temporary runner directory during initialization.

    def __init__(self,conf):
        super(SLHARunner, self).__init__(conf)
        One needs to compile MicrOmegas for each runner since it uses hard coded paths.
        In order to do so, put the following information in your runner config:
                type: MicrOmegas
                    src: '/home/user/micrOMEGAS/src' # source directory to copy (run make clean before)
                    modelname: 'SplitNMSSM' # model-dir to join (run make clean before)
                    main: 'CalcOmegaDD.cpp' # cpp file to build
                    exec: ['CalcOmegaDD', '{input_file}'] # entry for runner['binaries']

        The resulting binary is appended to the list `runner['binaries']`.

        If you use e.g. SPheno to generate input for MicrOmegas, you may want to add

        `['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}']`

        to `runner['binaries']` and change the `exec` option to use the `{output_file}` instead.

        Additional `'binaries'` may be specified as well.
        self.timeout = conf.get('timeout', 18000)
        self.tpl = conf['template']
        self.blocks = conf.get('getblocks', [])
        if 'micromegas' not in self.config:
            logging.error('need to specify "micromegas" config')
        omega = self.config['micromegas']
        if 'src' not in omega or not os.path.exists(omega['src']):
            logging.error('need to specify micromegas "src" directory to build from')
        if 'modelname' not in omega:
            logging.error('need to specify "modelname" name')
        if 'main' not in omega:
            logging.error('need to specify "main" cpp file to build')
        if 'exec' not in omega:
            logging.error('need to specify "exec"utable created by the build followed by its arguments (Popen list syntax)')
        self.makedirs(tocopy = omega['src'])
        self.omegadir = os.path.join(self.rundir,os.path.basename(omega['src']))
        self.modeldir = os.path.join(self.omegadir, omega['modelname'])
        logging.debug('running "make clean" on MicrOmegas installtion.')
        Popen('yes|make clean', shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=self.omegadir)
        logging.debug('running "make" on MicrOmegas installtion.')
        i = 0
        stdout, stderr = "", "MicrOmegas was already built(?)"
        while not os.path.isfile(self.omegadir + '/include/microPath.h') and i < 15:
            stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(['make'], cwd=self.omegadir)
            i += 1
        if i >= 5:
            logging.error('Build failed')
        logging.debug('running "make clean" on MicrOmegas model.')
        Popen(['make', 'clean'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, shell=True, cwd=self.modeldir)
        logging.debug('running "make main={}" on MicrOmegas model.'.format(omega['main']))
        i = 0
        stdout, stderr = "", "The model was already built(?)"
        while not os.path.isfile(omega['exec'][0]) and i < 15:
            stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(['make', 'main='+omega['main']], cwd=self.modeldir)
            i += 1
        if i < 15 and i != 0:
            logging.debug('file {} was build'.format(omega['exec'][0]))
            self.initialized = True
        self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.modeldir, omega['exec'][0])] + omega['exec'][1:])

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, conf)

self.tpl=conf['template'] should be a string containing patterns compatible with conf['template'].format_map(params) for a given set of parameters params.

def __init__(self,conf):
    super(SLHARunner, self).__init__(conf)
    One needs to compile MicrOmegas for each runner since it uses hard coded paths.
    In order to do so, put the following information in your runner config:
            type: MicrOmegas
                src: '/home/user/micrOMEGAS/src' # source directory to copy (run make clean before)
                modelname: 'SplitNMSSM' # model-dir to join (run make clean before)
                main: 'CalcOmegaDD.cpp' # cpp file to build
                exec: ['CalcOmegaDD', '{input_file}'] # entry for runner['binaries']
    The resulting binary is appended to the list `runner['binaries']`.
    If you use e.g. SPheno to generate input for MicrOmegas, you may want to add
    `['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}']`
    to `runner['binaries']` and change the `exec` option to use the `{output_file}` instead.
    Additional `'binaries'` may be specified as well.
    self.timeout = conf.get('timeout', 18000)
    self.tpl = conf['template']
    self.blocks = conf.get('getblocks', [])
    if 'micromegas' not in self.config:
        logging.error('need to specify "micromegas" config')
    omega = self.config['micromegas']
    if 'src' not in omega or not os.path.exists(omega['src']):
        logging.error('need to specify micromegas "src" directory to build from')
    if 'modelname' not in omega:
        logging.error('need to specify "modelname" name')
    if 'main' not in omega:
        logging.error('need to specify "main" cpp file to build')
    if 'exec' not in omega:
        logging.error('need to specify "exec"utable created by the build followed by its arguments (Popen list syntax)')
    self.makedirs(tocopy = omega['src'])
    self.omegadir = os.path.join(self.rundir,os.path.basename(omega['src']))
    self.modeldir = os.path.join(self.omegadir, omega['modelname'])
    logging.debug('running "make clean" on MicrOmegas installtion.')
    Popen('yes|make clean', shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=self.omegadir)
    logging.debug('running "make" on MicrOmegas installtion.')
    i = 0
    stdout, stderr = "", "MicrOmegas was already built(?)"
    while not os.path.isfile(self.omegadir + '/include/microPath.h') and i < 15:
        stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(['make'], cwd=self.omegadir)
        i += 1
    if i >= 5:
        logging.error('Build failed')
    logging.debug('running "make clean" on MicrOmegas model.')
    Popen(['make', 'clean'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, shell=True, cwd=self.modeldir)
    logging.debug('running "make main={}" on MicrOmegas model.'.format(omega['main']))
    i = 0
    stdout, stderr = "", "The model was already built(?)"
    while not os.path.isfile(omega['exec'][0]) and i < 15:
        stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(['make', 'main='+omega['main']], cwd=self.modeldir)
        i += 1
    if i < 15 and i != 0:
        logging.debug('file {} was build'.format(omega['exec'][0]))
        self.initialized = True
    self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.modeldir, omega['exec'][0])] + omega['exec'][1:])

def cleanup(


remove temporary directory

def cleanup(self):
    """ remove temporary directory """
    if not self.config.get('cleanup', False) or not self.tmp:
        logging.debug('Removing temporary directory {}'.format(self.rundir))
    except FileNotFoundError:
        logging.error('Directory {} does not exist.'.format(self.rundir))
        logging.error('Could not remove directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))

def constraints(

self, result)

Check if the data point result fulfills the constraints of the list self.config['constraints'].

def constraints(self, result):
    """ Check if the data point `result` fulfills the constraints of the list `self.config['constraints']`."""
        if not all(map(eval, self.config['constraints'])):
        return True
    except KeyError:
        return True

def execute(

self, params)

  • Prepare all files for the run with the parameters params (dict).
  • iterate over the binaries in self.binaries
  • check for fulfilled constraints

Example for self.binaries that passes results trough the different runs:

config['runner']['binaries'] = [
    ['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}'],
    ['./HiggsBounds', '{output_file}']

The patterns {input_file}, {output_file} and {log_file} are available and are replaced by the result of prepare.

def execute(self, params):
    * Prepare all files for the run with the parameters `params` (dict).
    * iterate over the binaries in `self.binaries`
      * check for fulfilled constraints
    Example for `self.binaries` that passes results trough the different runs:
        config['runner']['binaries'] = [
            ['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}'],
            ['./HiggsBounds', '{output_file}']
    The patterns `{input_file}`, `{output_file}` and `{log_file}` are available and are replaced by the result of `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner.prepare`.
    fin, fout, flog = self.prepare(params)
    if not all([fin, fout, flog]):
        return {'log': 'Error preparing files for parameters: {parameters}'.format(params)}
    slha_base = {
            'log_stdout': '',
            'log_stderr': '',
            'input_parameters': params,
            'input_file': fin,
            'output_file': fout,
            'log_file': flog
    slha = True
    for binary in self.binaries:
        if not slha:
        if type(binary) == list:
            # insert file names into the executable command
            binary = [ b.format(**slha_base) for b in binary ]
            binary = [binary]
        logging.debug("executing {}".format(' '.join(binary)))
        stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(binary)
        slha_base['log_stderr'] += stderr
        slha_base['log_stdout'] += stdout
        slha =
    if self.config.get('remove_slha', True):
        self.removeFile(fout, err=False)
    if self.config.get('keep_log', False):
        log = 'parameters: {input_parameters}\nstdout: {log_stdout}\nstderr: {log_stderr}\n\n'.format(**slha_base)
        if self.config.get('logfiles', False):
            with open(flog, 'w') as logf:
            slha.update({ 'log_file': flog })
    return slha

def makedirs(

self, tocopy=[])

  • Create temporary directories (default: /dev/shm/run<runnerid>).

  • Copy all binaries listed in self.config['binaries'] to the temporary directory

def makedirs(self, tocopy=[]):
      * Create temporary directories (default: `/dev/shm/run<runnerid>`).
      * Copy all binaries listed in `self.config['binaries']` to the temporary directory
    if 'tmpfs' not in self.config:
        if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/'):
            self.config['tmpfs'] = '/dev/shm/'
            self.config['tmpfs'] = mkdtemp()
    self.rundir = os.path.join(self.config['tmpfs'], 'run%d' % randint(10000,99999))
    if not os.path.exists(self.rundir):
        logging.debug('Creating temporary directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))
    tocopy = tocopy if type(tocopy) == list else [tocopy]
    if 'binary' in self.config:
        self.binaries = [os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(self.config['binary'])), '{input_file}', '{output_file}']
    elif 'binaries' in self.config:
        if type(self.config['binaries']) != list:
            logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
        for binary in self.config['binaries']:
            if type(binary) != list:
                logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
            self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(binary[0]))] + binary[1:])
    for f in tocopy:
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            logging.error('File/dir {} not found!'.format(f))
        logging.debug('Copying {} into temporary directory {}.'.format(f, self.rundir))
        if os.path.isdir(f):
            copytree(f, os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(f)))
            copy2(f, self.rundir)
    logging.debug('Changing directory')
    self.tmp = True

def prepare(

self, params)

Generate input and output file names.

Write the input file for the parameter dict params using the template self.tpl.

Returns the filenames ('inputfile', 'outputfile', 'logfile').

def prepare(self, params):
    Generate input and output file names.
    Write the input file for the parameter dict `params` using the template `self.tpl`.
    Returns the filenames `('inputfile', 'outputfile', 'logfile')`.
    fname = str(randrange(10**10))
    fin  = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.in')
    fout = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.out')
    flog = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.log')
    with open(fin, 'w') as inputf:
            params = defaultdict(str, { '%{}%'.format(p) : v for p,v in params.items() })
        except KeyError:
            logging.error("Could not substitute {}.".format(params))
            return None, None, None
    return fin, fout, flog

def read(

self, fout)

Reads the file fout using ScanLHA.slha.parseSLHA and checks if all constraints self.constraints are fulfilled.

If at least one constraint is not fulfilled, an empty result (dict) is returned.

def read(self, fout):
    Reads the file `fout` using `ScanLHA.slha.parseSLHA` and checks if all constraints `self.constraints` are fulfilled.
    If at least one constraint is not fulfilled, an empty result (dict) is returned.
    slha = parseSLHA(fout, self.blocks)
    if self.config.get('constraints', False) and not self.constraints(slha):
        return {}
    return slha

def removeFile(

f, err=True)

Removes a file f.

def removeFile(f, err=True):
    """ Removes a file `f`. """
    except FileNotFoundError:
        if err:
            logging.error('file {} missing?'.format(f))

def run(

self, params)

Normalizes the result of execute.

It is e.g. used by ScanLHA.scan.Scan and should not be overwritten by child runners.

To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the execute method.

def run(self, params):
    Normalizes the result of `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute`.
    It is e.g. used by `ScanLHA.scan.Scan` and should not be overwritten by child runners.
    To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute` method.
    return json_normalize(self.execute(params))

def runBinary(

self, args, cwd=None)

Execute args using Popen.

Returns (stdout, stderr).

stderr is set to 'Timeout' if self.timeout is exceeded.

def runBinary(self, args, cwd = None): # noqa
    Execute `args` using `Popen`.
    Returns `(stdout, stderr)`.
    `stderr` is set to `'Timeout'` if `self.timeout` is exceeded.
    proc = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=self.timeout)
    except TimeoutExpired:
        stdout = ''
        stderr = 'Timeout'
        return stdout, stderr
    stdout = stdout.decode('utf8').strip() if stdout else ''
    stderr = stderr.decode('utf8').strip() if stderr else ''
    return stdout, stderr

Instance variables

var blocks

var modeldir

var omegadir

var timeout

Inheritance: SLHARunner.timeout

Timeout for Popen

var tpl

class SLHARunner

Runner that runs binaries with (S)LHA input/output.

class SLHARunner(BaseRunner):
    Runner that runs binaries with (S)LHA input/output.
    def __init__(self,conf):
        `self.tpl=conf['template']` should be a string containing patterns
        compatible with `conf['template'].format_map(params)` for a
        given set of parameters `params`.
        self.timeout = conf.get('timeout', 10)
        """ Timeout for Popen """
        self.tpl = conf['template']
        self.blocks = conf.get('getblocks', [])
        self.initialized = True

    def prepare(self, params):
        Generate input and output file names.

        Write the input file for the parameter dict `params` using the template `self.tpl`.

        Returns the filenames `('inputfile', 'outputfile', 'logfile')`.
        fname = str(randrange(10**10))
        fin  = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.in')
        fout = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.out')
        flog = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.log')

        with open(fin, 'w') as inputf:
                params = defaultdict(str, { '%{}%'.format(p) : v for p,v in params.items() })
            except KeyError:
                logging.error("Could not substitute {}.".format(params))
                return None, None, None
        return fin, fout, flog

    def read(self, fout):
        Reads the file `fout` using `ScanLHA.slha.parseSLHA` and checks if all constraints `self.constraints` are fulfilled.

        If at least one constraint is not fulfilled, an empty result (dict) is returned.
        slha = parseSLHA(fout, self.blocks)
        if self.config.get('constraints', False) and not self.constraints(slha):
            return {}
        return slha

    def execute(self, params):
        * Prepare all files for the run with the parameters `params` (dict).
        * iterate over the binaries in `self.binaries`
          * check for fulfilled constraints

        Example for `self.binaries` that passes results trough the different runs:

            config['runner']['binaries'] = [
                ['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}'],
                ['./HiggsBounds', '{output_file}']

        The patterns `{input_file}`, `{output_file}` and `{log_file}` are available and are replaced by the result of `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner.prepare`.
        fin, fout, flog = self.prepare(params)
        if not all([fin, fout, flog]):
            return {'log': 'Error preparing files for parameters: {parameters}'.format(params)}
        slha_base = {
                'log_stdout': '',
                'log_stderr': '',
                'input_parameters': params,
                'input_file': fin,
                'output_file': fout,
                'log_file': flog

        slha = True
        for binary in self.binaries:
            if not slha:
            if type(binary) == list:
                # insert file names into the executable command
                binary = [ b.format(**slha_base) for b in binary ]
                binary = [binary]
            logging.debug("executing {}".format(' '.join(binary)))
            stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(binary)
            slha_base['log_stderr'] += stderr
            slha_base['log_stdout'] += stdout
            slha =

        if self.config.get('remove_slha', True):
            self.removeFile(fout, err=False)

        if self.config.get('keep_log', False):
            log = 'parameters: {input_parameters}\nstdout: {log_stdout}\nstderr: {log_stderr}\n\n'.format(**slha_base)
            if self.config.get('logfiles', False):
                with open(flog, 'w') as logf:
                slha.update({ 'log_file': flog })
        return slha

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, conf)

self.tpl=conf['template'] should be a string containing patterns compatible with conf['template'].format_map(params) for a given set of parameters params.

def __init__(self,conf):
    `self.tpl=conf['template']` should be a string containing patterns
    compatible with `conf['template'].format_map(params)` for a
    given set of parameters `params`.
    self.timeout = conf.get('timeout', 10)
    """ Timeout for Popen """
    self.tpl = conf['template']
    self.blocks = conf.get('getblocks', [])
    self.initialized = True

def cleanup(


remove temporary directory

def cleanup(self):
    """ remove temporary directory """
    if not self.config.get('cleanup', False) or not self.tmp:
        logging.debug('Removing temporary directory {}'.format(self.rundir))
    except FileNotFoundError:
        logging.error('Directory {} does not exist.'.format(self.rundir))
        logging.error('Could not remove directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))

def constraints(

self, result)

Check if the data point result fulfills the constraints of the list self.config['constraints'].

def constraints(self, result):
    """ Check if the data point `result` fulfills the constraints of the list `self.config['constraints']`."""
        if not all(map(eval, self.config['constraints'])):
        return True
    except KeyError:
        return True

def execute(

self, params)

  • Prepare all files for the run with the parameters params (dict).
  • iterate over the binaries in self.binaries
  • check for fulfilled constraints

Example for self.binaries that passes results trough the different runs:

config['runner']['binaries'] = [
    ['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}'],
    ['./HiggsBounds', '{output_file}']

The patterns {input_file}, {output_file} and {log_file} are available and are replaced by the result of prepare.

def execute(self, params):
    * Prepare all files for the run with the parameters `params` (dict).
    * iterate over the binaries in `self.binaries`
      * check for fulfilled constraints
    Example for `self.binaries` that passes results trough the different runs:
        config['runner']['binaries'] = [
            ['./SPheno', '{input_file}', '{output_file}'],
            ['./HiggsBounds', '{output_file}']
    The patterns `{input_file}`, `{output_file}` and `{log_file}` are available and are replaced by the result of `ScanLHA.runner.SLHARunner.prepare`.
    fin, fout, flog = self.prepare(params)
    if not all([fin, fout, flog]):
        return {'log': 'Error preparing files for parameters: {parameters}'.format(params)}
    slha_base = {
            'log_stdout': '',
            'log_stderr': '',
            'input_parameters': params,
            'input_file': fin,
            'output_file': fout,
            'log_file': flog
    slha = True
    for binary in self.binaries:
        if not slha:
        if type(binary) == list:
            # insert file names into the executable command
            binary = [ b.format(**slha_base) for b in binary ]
            binary = [binary]
        logging.debug("executing {}".format(' '.join(binary)))
        stdout, stderr = self.runBinary(binary)
        slha_base['log_stderr'] += stderr
        slha_base['log_stdout'] += stdout
        slha =
    if self.config.get('remove_slha', True):
        self.removeFile(fout, err=False)
    if self.config.get('keep_log', False):
        log = 'parameters: {input_parameters}\nstdout: {log_stdout}\nstderr: {log_stderr}\n\n'.format(**slha_base)
        if self.config.get('logfiles', False):
            with open(flog, 'w') as logf:
            slha.update({ 'log_file': flog })
    return slha

def makedirs(

self, tocopy=[])

  • Create temporary directories (default: /dev/shm/run<runnerid>).

  • Copy all binaries listed in self.config['binaries'] to the temporary directory

def makedirs(self, tocopy=[]):
      * Create temporary directories (default: `/dev/shm/run<runnerid>`).
      * Copy all binaries listed in `self.config['binaries']` to the temporary directory
    if 'tmpfs' not in self.config:
        if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/'):
            self.config['tmpfs'] = '/dev/shm/'
            self.config['tmpfs'] = mkdtemp()
    self.rundir = os.path.join(self.config['tmpfs'], 'run%d' % randint(10000,99999))
    if not os.path.exists(self.rundir):
        logging.debug('Creating temporary directory {}.'.format(self.rundir))
    tocopy = tocopy if type(tocopy) == list else [tocopy]
    if 'binary' in self.config:
        self.binaries = [os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(self.config['binary'])), '{input_file}', '{output_file}']
    elif 'binaries' in self.config:
        if type(self.config['binaries']) != list:
            logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
        for binary in self.config['binaries']:
            if type(binary) != list:
                logging.error("syntax: runner['binaries'] = [ ['executable', 'arg1', ...], ...]")
            self.binaries.append([os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(binary[0]))] + binary[1:])
    for f in tocopy:
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            logging.error('File/dir {} not found!'.format(f))
        logging.debug('Copying {} into temporary directory {}.'.format(f, self.rundir))
        if os.path.isdir(f):
            copytree(f, os.path.join(self.rundir, os.path.basename(f)))
            copy2(f, self.rundir)
    logging.debug('Changing directory')
    self.tmp = True

def prepare(

self, params)

Generate input and output file names.

Write the input file for the parameter dict params using the template self.tpl.

Returns the filenames ('inputfile', 'outputfile', 'logfile').

def prepare(self, params):
    Generate input and output file names.
    Write the input file for the parameter dict `params` using the template `self.tpl`.
    Returns the filenames `('inputfile', 'outputfile', 'logfile')`.
    fname = str(randrange(10**10))
    fin  = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.in')
    fout = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.out')
    flog = os.path.join(self.rundir, fname + '.log')
    with open(fin, 'w') as inputf:
            params = defaultdict(str, { '%{}%'.format(p) : v for p,v in params.items() })
        except KeyError:
            logging.error("Could not substitute {}.".format(params))
            return None, None, None
    return fin, fout, flog

def read(

self, fout)

Reads the file fout using ScanLHA.slha.parseSLHA and checks if all constraints self.constraints are fulfilled.

If at least one constraint is not fulfilled, an empty result (dict) is returned.

def read(self, fout):
    Reads the file `fout` using `ScanLHA.slha.parseSLHA` and checks if all constraints `self.constraints` are fulfilled.
    If at least one constraint is not fulfilled, an empty result (dict) is returned.
    slha = parseSLHA(fout, self.blocks)
    if self.config.get('constraints', False) and not self.constraints(slha):
        return {}
    return slha

def removeFile(

f, err=True)

Removes a file f.

def removeFile(f, err=True):
    """ Removes a file `f`. """
    except FileNotFoundError:
        if err:
            logging.error('file {} missing?'.format(f))

def run(

self, params)

Normalizes the result of execute.

It is e.g. used by ScanLHA.scan.Scan and should not be overwritten by child runners.

To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the execute method.

def run(self, params):
    Normalizes the result of `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute`.
    It is e.g. used by `ScanLHA.scan.Scan` and should not be overwritten by child runners.
    To specify the behaviour of your custom runner overwrite the `ScanLHA.runner.BaseRunner.execute` method.
    return json_normalize(self.execute(params))

def runBinary(

self, args, cwd=None)

Execute args using Popen.

Returns (stdout, stderr).

stderr is set to 'Timeout' if self.timeout is exceeded.

def runBinary(self, args, cwd = None): # noqa
    Execute `args` using `Popen`.
    Returns `(stdout, stderr)`.
    `stderr` is set to `'Timeout'` if `self.timeout` is exceeded.
    proc = Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=self.timeout)
    except TimeoutExpired:
        stdout = ''
        stderr = 'Timeout'
        return stdout, stderr
    stdout = stdout.decode('utf8').strip() if stdout else ''
    stderr = stderr.decode('utf8').strip() if stderr else ''
    return stdout, stderr

Instance variables

var blocks

var initialized

var timeout

Timeout for Popen

var tpl